Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Leon, Spain - Santiago here we come...

We started our day by saying farewell to our beloved Goldie... quite an emotional experience to say the least, and headed for Stanstead Airport - destination Valladolid!

Had an interesting flight to Valladolid with Ryan Air, the pilot almost over shot the runway on landing. There were a few screams from fellow passengers, though I was so scared I forgot to breath!! I suppose... you get what you pay for aye!

Caught a bus to León, where tomorrow we will start our pilgrimage. We are staying in our first Albergue (cheap hostel like accommodation especially for pilgrims), but can't help to feel a little guilty that we are not yet 'real' pilgrims!

Ant and I have to sleep in separate accommodation, so I am to share a room with 50 other women. There are no pillows or blankets on the beds - though, I suppose this is the life we have resigned ourselves to for the next 2 weeks... am I really up for it?

Well it is 10.15pm, and time for bed. We've agreed to start bright and early tomorrow - 6.00am... welcome to the life of a pilgrim!

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