Monday, March 31, 2008

Beijing, China - Temple of Heavy Restoration

Met one other guy staying in the dorm this morning, Harvey from Australia, who arrived at some point in the night (like him already for being so quiet as to not wake me up) and who also happens to be the spitting image of Dominic Monaghan and does even sport some hobbit like hair first thing in the morning.

Continuing my tour of the Beijing sights it was the Temple of Heaven today which was on my hit list although like the Forbidden City the main building, Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest, was closed for renovation, darn Olympics.

Walking around the park grounds in the sun it was a bit strange feeling like it was snowing at times due to all the willow catkins drifting through the air which are these snow like pieces of fluff almost which fill the air at this time of year.

On leaving the temple grounds I noticed that the main building was closed for renovation from May last year till 30th April 2006, in other words tomorrow - bummer.

Back on the subway you can't help but notice the sheer number of homeless and beggars in Beijing many of whom seem to have some crippling abnormality or disfigurement which you wonder how they can cope with apparently no support system.

After my first sweet and sour chicken dinner in China (was beginning to think it was just a British Chinese take away speciality) I decided to head for the Great Wall tomorrow. Since it required us to rise at a painful 6am for the long bus ride to the wall I took it easy tonight and watched a little CCTV, no not the local supermarkets security system but China Central Television which actually has an English language news channel even if its reports are a little slanted.

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