Monday, March 31, 2008

Gili Trawangan, Indonesia - Paradise Island

I caught the speedboat to the Island of Gili Trawangan for 2 days to escape the hassles of Kuta. This took 2 hours at high speed and I got completely soaked on route as the boat smashed through the waves! The boat broke down about halfway along and I wasnt really sure if we'd have to swim ashore, but the assistant driver managed to pump water out of the engine that had cut out. The best part was seeing a pod of dolphins that must have been 50 strong, swim alongside the boat.

The Gili Islands are a kind of secluded, but by no means quiet as there's lost of water sports on the go, as well as bars and restaurants, including an Irish bar of course! There's a population of 500, intermittent electricity supply (everywhere has candles for the daily switch off!), and no cars. Everybody gets around by horse or cycling.I've spend my days snorkeling and hanging around the beach mostly, but I'm looking forward to catching up with my friends in Kuta for one last night tomorrow before heading off to Sydney.

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